Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Kindness Of Friends.

A New Couch !

Starting afresh on a different continent is exciting, wonderful, brave, educational and obviously a bit of a financial challenge. What most couples go through at say twenty, the two of us are going through now, in our forties....hee- hee, Bob is finally in his forties !

Don't get me wrong, I actually like the fact that we have to have this financial stretch because it got us out of our comfort zone. Suddenly we have to, no are blessed to, meet different situations that enrich our character and make us more aware of the present. The kind of challenges that most self-help books talk about.

What a lot of you take for granted, we now can not. There is no credit card to suddenly wave its magic wand of supply. But before you think ' oh those poor dears ', remember that we don't get that letter ( the one with the clear window ) that tells us how much more we have to pay back !
So we work the old-fashioned style...we only buy with money we have.
Yes, absolutely neanderthal-like !

One thing that has surprised me, is with how little, we can actually make do. Sure it would be nice to have great things ( and we will get them as we earn more ) but what we have right now, is fine. My motto is, as long as I can have a good cup of coffee in the morning, all else will be fine. Ah, the simple things.

I am happy to say, that almost all our furniture has been given to us by my parents or friends. Our house has the most wonderful eclectic feel to it. Nothing really matches, yet it all fits perfectly together ( somehow I think that our carbon footprint is rather low ). Another plus is that the
' donors ' could get rid of their old stuff. A win-win situation.

One of our friends phoned yesterday, to say that she had a couch for us. Actually she already has given us two fabulous chairs. They are from the 50's, yet are so comfortable and extremely ' in ' right now. She had promised us the matching couch at a later date, and yesterday was it.

So, later yesterday afternoon we drove with the trailer to pick it up. Not a very long drive as she lives only 1 km up the road. When Bob and I eventually got it into our lounge, we had two thoughts. One, yoo-hoo, we have a three seater couch and the second...oh dear, our lounge is getting too small !
The price of prosperity....


Our new couch...

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