You know, the one that spells an end to us all...
This morning my eye happened to glance at an advert to do with the ' predicted ' 2012 Maya Calender. It was an interesting take of it : Who wants to survive it...( That really needs to be polled ? ).
Of course as the date of predicted doom is only 5 weeks away, the plethora will go into overdrive. But, this whole thing kind of reminds me of slightly similar predictions throughout my school career and even after. Vividly I see myself and a group of friends sitting outside during break-time, in our green school attire, and discussing the fact that the next week, the world would cease to be !
We were all teenagers and rather concerned with dieting etc. Well, that clearly went out the window during the ensuing week. Who needs to diet, when you only have a week left to eat...? Oh yes, we were that silly then. But we were not alone, as a lot of magazines carried articles stoking the fires. For the local churches, attendance must have skyrocketed ! Needless to say, that prediction never occurred, but you don't need to be psychic to realize that we all put on a pound or two.
Well for the current Mayan calender event, Hollywood did rather a lot of " fire-stoking " with the movie " 2012 ". I loved it and obviously, having learned my lessons during my earlier years, took it with a pinch of salt. For me, it is not a destruction of the world, but a change of ' groupthink ' for the whole world. The goodness is now surfacing and staying...Good times are ahead !
Bob and I do see a funny side to the " 2012 " movie, as we now live in Austria. In it, the only and last place on earth, that is still standing after December 2012, is the Kwa-Zulu Drakensberg range, in South-Africa.
If I had a Hotel there, I would put the prices up, as I am sure a lot of people will try to head there in the next few weeks. Oh and, this time round, I will eat normally and not guzzle everything in sight. But I would love to see stats of Supermarkets. Does the sale of ' Yummy ' stuff go up during the next five weeks ? How about you, are you stocking up on the ' Yummy ' stuff ?
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