Sunday, 17 May 2015

Bob's Now A Newly Minted Eisenberg Fireman!

Bob, what a man!

This weekend was the test of tests for Bob. A two day affair of theory and practical. Some would have seen it as a weekend away but Bob rightly saw it as an important milestone in his fireman's career. He never looses sight of the fact that what he learns might save a life one day.

The Eisenberg team usually wins a lot of competitions and he is thrilled to be drilled by the team leaders but he understands, that all this drilling is vital to handling any emergency. Even this weekend he realized how well schooled he is, by comparing to others. Look, Bob can't ( yet ) hold a candle to his team leaders and fellow longtime ( kind of a better word than veteran...) firemen, but they have instilled in him good basics to build upon!

I am so proud of Bob as he wrote the exam in German and managed just fine. Bob is fortunate that he has such a nice team around him, a team that works hard and, ahem, plays hard too.

Bob and I helped out at the annual Spring concert held by our village choir last night. Not just the local choir, but my mum's choir too. Well not hers, but one that she is a part of. They sang beautifully and it was nice to imbibe the wonderful energy of the songs. Good music has a life of its own and instantly lifts one's mood.

Even though it is a village choir, their performance was extremely professional and they put in hour upon hour of practice throughout the year, and it shows in their harmonious singing. I am extremely proud of my mum.

A few people asked me again last night why I haven't joined the choir yet. Alas, my mum's wonderful talent bypassed a generation.

Good grief, I can vividly remember an embarrassing moment back in the days when I was in standard 7 at Girls High. While we were singing during assembly ( oh my god, what memories ) the choir mistress walked about ( how Draconian ) checking if everyone was singing along. To my utter shame, she asked me to please not sing anymore...The only way I'd join any choir was if I could do it Milli Vanilli style.

Bob had received his certificate just hours earlier but it seemed that his team mates knew already. Those that I got a chance to talk to, all congratulated me.

Goodness, isn't it just the best? I am now the wife of a proper fireman and I have to admit that in his full fireman's uniform Bob is rather fetching...


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