Monday, 31 October 2016

The Last Two Formula Ones Have Been A Sleepy Affair.

Late night television viewing.

One good thing about yesterday's time change was the fact that the Mexican Grand Prix started an hour earlier for us. But still, watching a race at eight in the evening is a tremendous battle for me or rather my laden eyelids.

At least I saw the first three laps and for some inexplicable reason, each last lap. The Bobster being a tad bit younger and haler of composition, only missed a few laps in the middle. Does anyone else fall asleep at these events or are we the only ones?

It wasn't all dull and sleepy though. At the start of the pre lap, Bob was doing a version of Crocodile Dundee and compared F1 with Motor GP and actually insisted that the roar of the GP motorbikes far out-sounds the roar of the new F1 cars. :

" Babe, we should get Sky Sports, so that you can hear the powerful roar of those bike engines. "
" Schatzi, no, we don't need to watch a motorbike race for that. Each morning, Mausi, the neighbour and I are privy to the roar of your moped racing down the driveway."

Goodness, I thought he might feel embarrassed about his noisy moped, but no, just the opposite. His chest puffed out to such an extent, I was reminded of a scene in the old Tarzan movie. For the next few minutes, the Bobster strutted around and more than likely visualized his moped's roar and that we had noticed.

Getting back to the Grand Prix, I need to clarify that it is indeed exciting to watch and it's really not their fault that I am inclined to fall asleep at the drop of a hat or the tamed roar of the new F1 cars. When Bob woke me to move to the proper bed, I found out that I had again missed some exciting bit of driving and about the new and very young four wheel virtuoso's underhanded driving style.

Luckily for me, the next few races will be at a more decent hour...


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