Tuesday, 14 March 2017

The Vagaries Of Life.

Discovered if one takes the time to see life.

Only this morning I went for a walk and was pleased to banish all my gloves to the back of the cupboard. A few weeks ago they were an optional attire but now, definitely passe. The joie de vivre is permeating everywhere and putting a spring in many a step. Warm weather, blue skies and a constant avian chorus tends to make most people positively sprout with giddiness.

Coming back from my walk, I had just eaten the first bite of breakfast when my phone rang. Could I take someone home from the doctors. Oh course, with pleasure. Most of us take driving for granted and never give a thought to when we can't anymore. Suddenly even a trip to the shops needs a plan. Spontaneity is gone.

I enjoyed taking this couple home and was thrilled when they invited me in for a cup of coffee. Coffee of course is a code word once you get to a certain age, a code word for company, conversation and laughter. As much ( at least I hope so ) as they enjoyed having me for a cup of coffee, I enjoyed being there because it is interesting to meet people and find out what their life has been like. Akin to sitting next to History.

The stuff normally garnered from history books, are often only a cup of coffee away from one. All one needs is time and the ability to listen. Hearing someone's life unfold in bits and bobs is rather special. The narrator might have grey hair, a cane and a slower walk, but we tend to forget that he too has lived an exciting life. A life with ups & downs, a life of hunger ( during war ) and a life meandering through various career paths on their doorsteps.

For anyone who feels bogged down by the stress of modern life, or rather by the stressful life jacket he has tailor made for himself, I can really recommend the following. Take the time and visit someone who has built a life during the last 70-80 years.

The men and women of this generation in particular are the backbone of society, have the backbone to face any and everything that life has thrown at them and strangely enough, it is a generation of folk, who can tell you that the happiest times were the times when life was hard and when they had less than nothing...


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