Monday, 28 May 2018

My Own Little Welcoming Committee.

A welcome sight in front of our gate.

I was walking down the road and musing about the vagaries of life and how serendipity plays a major role in it. A visit with a neighbour brought it to mind. Luckily I went to see her today, ringing her doorbell which didn't work as it turned out that her electricity had tripped which only could be repaired by a professional. Most of us would take that in our stride but when one is an elderly lady living alone, these excitements tend to cause heart palpitations. But, all's well I think as the electrician had arrived when I took my leave.

So there I was thinking it through when I turned the corner to our house only see on the outer edge of the lawn next to the road our grey tomcat idling the time away, obviously waiting for me to return. He must have taken note when I left earlier because normally he sits under the window waiting to be fed. How cute that he is waiting for mummy to return.
In movie parlance....The return of the Mummy!

Despite him skittering away if I come closer than a meter, I do always speak to him in a motherly way;

" Hallo my boy, are you waiting for me? "
he was facing the other way but as soon as he heard me talk to him he turned and gave me a grin or grimace as it was after five already.

Where there's one, there's another...the white and grey speckled tomcat is usually two steps behind him often resulting in a vicious vocal cat fight over the order of feeding. Sometimes they hiss for hours not letting each other eat at all and other times they casually and peacefully eat side by side from the two bowls alternating between lapping up milk and chewing dry cubes. Life with animals is never dull and always heart warming.

There's my boy waiting patiently for me.
The two of them getting along just fine whilst eating our delightful food.


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