Monday, 7 May 2018

Our Cat's Playing Tit For Tat.

Cats and sleep...

Despite being asleep I was aware of turning over onto my side but not before encountering an obstacle next to my shins. Yes, La Princessa has taken to sleeping at the bottom end of my side of the bed and she must be quite adapt at ducking and diving around my ever moving feet. Who doesn't turn over in their sleep?

Anyway, there I was finally on my right side but through the mists of sleep I realized that my feet had kicked off an unsuspecting cat. The sound of her feet landing on the floor has become second nature to both Bob and I. We can distinguish her gallop when we feed her, her stealthy tread once she's got a spider, cricket or mouse in her vision and of course her nightly plop down onto the floor.

Well, early this morning her cup must have runneth over because as quick as a flash she hopped back onto the bed and proceeded to loudly make her way to my pillow and in the process purring like an idling truck. She took it upon herself to wake me up either as punishment or pure boredom.

Naturally the last bit of sleep was gone for good when she started to turn pirouettes next to my head instead of settling down to snooze a while longer next to me. Gosh, her tail was in and out of my face which prompted me to whisper a little rebuke. Never mind, she did the next best thing and jumped onto Bob's side of the bed with a mission.

Bob too has developed an intuition where she is concerned and thus quickly wrapped his arm around Maus and drew her into crook of his arm. Suddenly she was quiet and content while I was awake. Awake enough to take a look at the time which meant going through to the lounge. Half past three in the morning! Life with a cat has its own brand of allure and charm. Of course we wouldn't change it for the world.


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