Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Neighbourhood Watch.

The twitchy curtain brigade.

As we don't have curtains per say, we somehow don't quality for the above although honestly, both of us like to have a good furtive look out of the window. Keeping up with the Jones' as they say.

This morning Bob asked me to get him his eye drops from the doctor's ( they are a dispensing pharmacy which saves a lot of travelling ) and so, that is what I did. As it was a Tuesday morning the wait was a bit longer than normal. Tuesdays and Fridays are the ' blood letting ' days where almost everyone has their bloods taken for testing. But waiting in the doctor's rooms is never boring and always informative.

One of my parent's neighbours was in front of me in the line and as one does, we had a short conversation about the general state of affairs. ie.

" Hi, how are you? Hopefully nothing wrong with you? "
one has to ask, as the older generation enjoys nothing more than listing their accomplishments in regards to dis-health. At times, waiting in line one can't help but hear a verbal duel over who has a more serious health problem. Many times I have been sorely tempted to suggest a more healthy menu plan, but when in Rome...

Anyway, about a minute in, she said to me;

" Don't you go and see your parents anymore? I never see you drive up. "
Weeeelll, how would she know and more to the point, does she have a chair next to her window? Assuring her that I wasn't ignoring my family, I quickly changed the subject but was saved by another of her cronies coming in and taking the focus off me and my filial visits...


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