Saturday, 26 May 2012

New Villagers'

We can't hide...

As usual I took my morning walk through the vineyards and pretty much had them to myself.

This is a tourist area so most weekends I can spot many more cars parked at the various Kellerstoeckl. My guess is that the delectable wines from our area keeps them asleep a bit longer in the mornings and that is why I don't get to see them this early.

But there are a handful of locals who take advantage of the beautiful scenery and I enjoy meeting them.

Each one different, interesting and most delightfully "Burgenlaendisch".

This morning I met Helmut who after the usual "Guten Morgen" asked me where I am from. "Oh, I live in Eisenberg, but my parents live in Deutsch-Schuetzen."

"I know, you are the ones' from South-Africa"

Personally I love this about small village life. Everyone knows about you even if they don't know you and when you do get to meet, they are interested enough to find out about you.

Isn't that what what life is all about ?



  1. Fantastic, B. It's the same in our little village, the locals knew who we were before we had hardly moved in :)

  2. We both can't wait to see your neck of the woods... Thank you for reading and commenting, it means a lot to me.
