Isn't it just dandy to get one of those ?
Often they are dreaded, but I enjoy those rainy days. Granted, it does tend to muddy the waters, floors and clothing. Cleaning up after it is not too much fun, but it does not change the mainly positive impact of a rainy day.
Most Sundays or days off, are usually the days that you can and unfortunately should tackle a much neglected chore or do a leisure activity, just so you feel that you used your day off constructively. Being busy and on the go tends to be the norm these days. Not doing any of the above can make you have that feeling of guilt...
Now picture in your mind those days that you wake up and you hear the raindrops pounding your roof or washing against your window. Isn't it just the best feeling, when you realize two things: 1. There is no going to work today.2. That it is a day ideal for just lounging around. A day where changing out of your pyjamas is rather optional ( you are not going anywhere ) !
My first thought is to make a nice cup of milky coffee and to wonder if there is any comfort, eh...rainy day food in the house. You know the kind that is best for spending the day on the couch, either watching TV or reading. It might be a good idea to close the curtains and lock the door. You know, in case of surprise visitors, bearing in mind, that you are most likely still in your pyjamas and have a big pile of empty food wrappers strewn haphazardly around the area of your couch. Neither is a welcome sight for visitors !
Oh, it is so great to have those rainy days. What a pleasure to just chill. No big decisions about where to go and what to do. For me, it is the best day for really recharging my batteries.
Do you have a rainy day ritual, routine or tradition ? Or are you a person who is on the go the whole time...come rain or shine ?
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