Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Tattoos & Words Are Both Forever!

The Internet remembers everything...

We all are so fastidious about where, what or if we should get a tattoo. I mean even writing your significant other's name on your skin might pose a problem down the road. Gosh, what if you break up and the next significant other has a different name ?

Maybe a more generic term of endearment might be the better option. You know something along the line of: " Deary forever " or " Darling, you are my life " or " Snookums " or " Stinky "... all interchangeable and that last one would be a one-size-fits-all !

By now, we all sort of know that the words we write daily on the Internet ( online ) are stored somewhere. Gosh, aren't there bigger and better storage facilities being built ? Are we as fastidious about posting online, as we are about getting a tattoo ?

Why someone in the future might want to read our online posts, is rather questionable. And come to think of it, some of the things we post daily on Social Media channels aren't very challenging, interesting or funny even now, why would they be in the future ?

Right now, we all are still on the young side. You know, we want to be hip, trendy and with-it. But what if in the future we feel like running for a public office ? How would we feel when some of our missives are paraded in public ? The bad spelling in the name of abbreviation and haste might just about be overlooked.

What is the solution to all this " non-privacy " environment ? Well, only write words, sentences or messages that you wouldn't mind being read by your " future voters " or your Mother.

But that might be a the beginning of the end of Social Media. Who would want to still read it ? Maybe, Social Media should be excluded from the automatic recording of everything posted...


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