Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Forget About The Neighbours & Let The Dandelions Live A Bit Longer.

Think about the bees.

Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be a slightly easier life if we'd all settle on our own little island, one that nobody but you can see and critique. Imagine going through life without that eternal & omnipresent thought of:

' Oh my, what will the neighbours, family or friends think? '
and let's be honest, even though we work like crazy to chop down this mental sign post and at times succeed, we get to realize how deep its roots are, because as sure as the moon follows the sun, so another guilt inducing sign post will grow in our fertile imagination.

At the moment the village greens look spectacular in their golden splendour. Dandelions are everywhere and seemingly in good cheer while they open their blossom to provide fodder for the bees and birds. Alas, already some lawns have been given the chop and with it the dandelions too.

Where are the bees meant to get their elixir to make the food for us, if we keep ripping out the flowers underneath their wings? Are looks so important to us that we would cut off our noses to spite our faces?

Let Dandelions Grow: Article in The Guardian

Our front and back lawns are golden carpets greeting us each and every time we come home. There is an accompanying buzz heard everywhere as the bees are awakening from their winter slumber. A happy buzz, or at least it sounds like it to me.

Bob has moments where he wants to knuckle down to peer pressure and give our lawn a brush cut and then I can see that he starts to contemplate what it would do to the bee's food supply.

Look, as much as I love small village living, it does have a few drawbacks and this might be one of them. In a place as small as ours, the neighbourly drive, walk or cycle by tends to happen and along with that raised eyebrow. It takes a sturdy spine to withstand the pressure...

Maybe we should make a banner and put it on our lawn:

Dear Friends & Neighbours, no, we are not lazy
but we are big champions of the local bees.
Our lawn will be overgrown for just a few days more.


Our backyard almost seems blanketed by a sea of dandelions, and aren't they lovely?
Gosh, even our old bathtub has a dandelion taking up residence. Enjoy my little buzzing friends.

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