Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Green, Pink & Red Put Nice Images In My Head.

Most gardens are treasure troves of alluring colours, leading to pulchritude.

If it doesn't lead you to wax poetical lyrics, at least it will lift your mood.
No wonder the peaches grown from this tree are delectable ( only if eaten in moderation! ), sweet, juicy and lovely to make jam and schnapps with.
A green shrub, you might think, but actually it has a multitude of uses.

Firstly, it is a friendly family mingling of the Lavender and Rosemary plants in our garden. They both are fragrant and look bonny. Bees love them and teas too. Putting a sprig of rosemary in hot water might be a jolly healthy idea...

Hiding in plain sight is the Dandelion plant or rather herb. Many aesthetic gardeners do class them as weeds, but they should remember before pulling them out that they are wonderful food for the bees.
What, you only use your bathtub for bathing ?...our's has pride of place in the garden and at the moment is upholding a bunch of chives. Lovely on a thickly buttered slice of bread topped with plain salt.

This tub has seen strawberries, cucumbers and one year a decorative flower arrangement.

The mighty stinging nettle is proliferating right next to the bathtub. Despite being rather difficult and painful to touch, stinging nettle tastes lovely brewed as tea.
Last but not least, these stunning purple Grape Hyacinths have popped out all over the village and they are such a treat to walk passed...


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