Sunday, 6 November 2016

A Mixed Bag Of Local Photos.

The curtain call for most of the foliage-troupes.

There are a few trees scattered about our neighbourhood that are magnificent in their siren red cover.
Even the more frequently seen yellow leaved trees are magnetic in their ochre plumage.
One of my favourite shots...almost like those hula hoop girls swooshing us along with grace.
If you take the time to look at the details, you'll be in awe of mother nature...
These two carried on lazying about shooting the breeze. More than likely about me...
As Deutsch Schützen is built into a valley, it tends to attract the morning fog rather often. Spectacular if you are out walking, but less so if you live in fog.
It was jolly cold yesterday and as you can see, the blades of grass have an icy sheen to them.


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