Saturday, 17 August 2013

Life Gives You Brambles, Make Jam..

Making Jam is such a soothing & connecting activity.

On my morning walks which at times are along the forest, I stumbled across a whole bank of brambles. Berries that are a luscious dark blue with a taste to match. A perfect snack along the way and even worth the occasional thorny encounter.

Living the rural life has made me industrious in a different way. When I saw how many berries there were, I decided to make jam. A few hours later, equipped with a ( um, sorry, the ) husband and two bowls, I set off! Bob, even though he grumbled at first, was excited like a young schoolboy. Picking berries ( along with sampling the wares ) is one of life's highlights.

Bob and I meandered from one bank of brambles to the next. There are a lot scattered throughout the area. On our last pit-stop or rather picking-stop, we met a friend who was out walking with her baby and dog. Chatting for a good five minutes about all & nothing brought home what makes life fun and special.

Our excursion of bramble picking netted us 350 grams of fruit and made two small jars of divine looking jam. All in all a good days work. When the jam is settled enough to devour, every spoonful will have memories attached to it.

I can't wait to see the final dark purplish colour spectrum of it. In fact, I will spread it on Knäckebrot with lashings of creamy smooth cottage cheese. Just imagine the colours melting into each other: beige, white and purple ! Or maybe two spoonful of it in a nice cup of plain double cream yoghurt...


This is the best I could do to show you the colour...
I know this photo is not taken professionally, but it sort of shows the colour better. Sure Can!: How Jams and Pickles Are Reviving the Lure and Lore of Local Food

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