Conquering this feast in fitting attire.
Isn't it simply wonderful to have a get together with family and close friends around about this time of the year? Gosh, in a way it is a dress rehearsal for the same time a week after. New Year's Eve!
A family get together is always marked by food. Delicious food and lots of it. Christmas tends to be the zenith of this. Where else can you eat so much food. Not one roast but two. Not one vegetable dish, but two. Not one potato dish, but two...oh the list is endless. Suffice it to say, that at Christmas time we pull out all the stops regarding food.
Even our careful eating habits fly out the window quicker then you can pull the inevitable Christmas cracker. Let's face it, the the last week in December is a no holds barred affair. You would think that after the first huge meal you would never eat again. Yet before you know it, you catch yourself copying Nigela Lawson in a midnight expedition to the fridge.
Someone should record us at the lunch table. Almost all of us will mumble something along the lines of... " Even if you payed me, I couldn't eat another bite " ...when the plates are cleared and just before dessert. Lo and behold, 20 minutes later, we all have triple helpings of apple crumble and custard topped with ice - cream and whipped cream. When in Rome, do like the Romans!
It is very amusing to watch everyone get up when it is finally over. Those with short memories or a glass too much, are barely able to catch their pants in time. Oh they can forget about doing up the button again and might as well get used to holding up their pants until they get home. Others will waddle along and wonder how they can ever eat again.
That sense of wonderment doesn't last very long. Who hasn't gone home and headed straight for the kitchen? It defies logic but after all this food, you want more!
Tell me, do you still wear tight clothing to your Christmas lunches or do you cunningly don a Caftan?
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