Oh, and jolly early too.
There was a time when I was thrilled to get a text message from the insurance company and only because it made me belong. Stupid really when you think of it. Surely there are better things to spend thoughts over? I remember once sitting around a table and being the odd one out. A storm was brewing and within seconds all the mobile phones started beeping, vibrating or singing. Never mind that it portended a horrible hailstorm.
Anyway, next time I had occasion to talk to my insurance agent which I am always happy to do ( it helps that he is well mannered, nice young man who moonlights in a band on weekends... ), he straightaway added my phone number to the list.
When Bob got home from work he informed me that he'd have an early start to his day. At a quarter past six he had to be at work, which of course translated to the alarm clock being set for 4 am. Things to do, coffee to brew and lunch box to fill and decorate. Well, we were given an extra hour to faff about.
Just after 3 am, the text message came through and as I had heard the thunder roaring while fighting for dominance with bolts of lightening, I knew what it would say. ...next half hour or so there will be a chance of thunderstorm, heavy rain and hail... The celestial argument was fierce, the rain seemed torrential but luckily it was over within fifteen minutes.
Bob and I had just planted a whole lot of window boxes and were worrying if they had withstood the onslaught from above. Only yesterday I visited one of my elderly ladies and she wisely had chosen to keep her plants indoor, as the weather person had warned of a bout of nasty climatic conditions ahead. Good for her and I am glad her flowers, which are to go and adorn the family grave, are fine and well.
Visiting her is quite fun and entertaining. She is a seasoned spinster and as per usual we were discussing food. She loves soups but living on her own prefers packet soups. Look, she's well into her 80's, lives alone in a house with a huge garden and still hauls the wood in every day during winter. So, I wouldn't dream of telling her the nutritional deficits of packet soup.
Her favourite flavour is chicken noodle, which poses a conundrum for her...a packet lasts her two meals and she divides the contents equally. Except the dried noodles in the packet make it almost impossible to split the content equally. Never mind Dinner for one, I think Knorr should launch a Chicken noodle soup for one.