Saturday, 5 January 2013

An Unexpected Blessing Of Our House.

But A very welcome house blessing.

The other day there was a knock on our door. At first I thought it was my Mum. " Come in, you don't have to knock. " but no reply except another and more louder knock, knock !

Jumping up from the desk I did a quick sprint to the door. Opening it, I saw two men and a women standing there. All from the village, so no cause for alarm. Wow, I thought, an unexpected visit to see how we live !

But then I saw that one had a bucket with water and a wand inside. Holy water for sure. Yes, they were symbolizing the Three Wise men: Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar. Never having had such a visit, I asked what the procedure was ( Well, there was a big clue to the village, that I don't often go to church ).

Everyone came in and stood in our entrance nook ( too small to be called an entrance hall ). In a slight panic, I wondered if I should invite them in and if so, do I ask them to take off their shoes ? Wooden floors and it was muddy outside.

Of course, as is normal in these thought processes, the next stupid one was there already :
' Should I offer them a Schnapps or is it frowned upon in religious circles ? ' Well all this mental activity made sure that I only heard some part of the blessing. Luckily, I did see the wand with holy water being used on the rooms and it felt good.

Our front door is still the old one. It does look shabby and unkempt but it does the trick. We still wondering if we want to replace it and thus have done nothing to it. When it came for
one of the ' wise ' men, the scribe, to inscribe our front door, there was a slight hesitation. Not much good space to write on. But he found a space and now we have a blessing for the year. It feels nice.

As a parting shot, one of the wise men told me ." Don't be a stranger in church "...


I know that the door looks a bit otherwise, but we are still deciding what to do with it !

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