Monday, 2 July 2012

Play Vouchers Are Free & The Best Presents For Kids.

Who is having more Fun

We drove with Di and Harry across Europe to visit Bob's brother Brett and his family. The car trip was long but nice,and has given me so many good blog stories....

We knew that the first thing any kid wants when they have family visiting, is to see the presents ! This year, as you know, our finances are a bit stretched and thus we came up with an idea that was " priceless ". We designed gift vouchers ( 8 each ) that entitles the bearer to 30 min of one on one playtime. Anywhere, anytime and anyhow.

So, when we arrived there was a mountain of presents from the grand parents and family. At some stage Bob and I gave our Vouchers to the kids, knowing how tough it was to compete with Skylanders etc...and wondering if we would have any impact?

Well, about 20 min in while talking to my sister-in-Law, the first voucher was handed to me! So, I stopped talking mid-sentence to go and play with my niece. She tried to cram so many games into those 30 min and I tried valiantly to keep up and be " With it "

Apparently we have trumped the Skylanders - Yoohoo! -One day on, 6 of the vouchers have been used and I am just grateful that I have not been pulled from the Loo ( I make sure that I lock the bathroom door ...)

I have learned a valuable lesson about what is important. Just seeing the joy on the kids faces, knowing that they have our undivided attention, was so special.


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